[Album] Joey Yung - Joey: Secret Side Tracks Collection (iTunes Plus AAC M4A)

Released Date: Mar 10, 2017

01 最好時光 The Best Time (2017 version)
02 麻煩你 Please (2017 version)
03 煙霞 Haze (from Give Love a Break)
04 別說愛我 Don't Say Love Me (from Jump Up)
05 損友 Bad Friend (from Bi-Heart)
06 寂寞大道 Road of Loneliness (from All Summer Holiday)
07 銀蛋伴小貓 Silver Egg with the Kitten (from Grand on Stage)
08 最後的茱麗葉 The Last Juliet (from Ten Most Wanted)
09 出賣 Betrayal (from Show Up!)
10 獨照 Lonely Portrait (from Lonely Portrait)
11 說真的 Honestly (from Honestly)
12 愛情復興 Love Revival (from Jump Up)
13 不好意思我愛你 Excuse Me, I Love You (from Moment)
14 與貓共舞 Dancing with Cats (from My Pride)
15 冬眠 Hibernation (from Ten Most Wanted)
16 擁抱天下 Embrace the World (from Grand on Stage)
17 瘦身大法 Slimming Method (from All Summer Holiday)
18 極端愛我 Extremely Love Me (from Jump Up)
19 心甘命抵 Willingly (from Show Up!)
20 臨床 Close to Bed (from Little Day)
21 罪魁 Criminal (from Bi-Heart)
22 卸妝 Removing Makeup (from Close Up)
23 一個人砌圖 Playing Puzzle Alone (from All Summer Holiday)
24 呼天不應 Unanswered Cries to Heaven (from Love Joey Love 3)
25 流淚眼望流淚眼 Tears vs Tears (from Ten Most Wanted)
26 特別嘉賓 Special Guest (from Love Joey Love 2)
27 勉強幸福 Reluctant Bliss (from Show Up!)
28 借過 Excuse Me (from Nin9 2 5ive)
29 故弄玄虛 Deliberate Confusion (from All Summer Holiday)
30 男朋友與歌 Boyfriends and Songs (from Give Love a Break)
31 我好想他 I Miss Him (from Honestly)
32 最後勝利 The Last Victory (from Nin9 2 5ive)
33 舊日回憶的山丘 Hill of Memories (from Something About You)
34 28個我 28 of Me (from In Motion)
35 在時間面前 In Front of the Time (from Moment)
36 何苦 How Come (from EP2)
37 命苦 Hardship (from Grand on Stage)
38 阿門 Amen (from All Summer Holiday)
39 放愛自由 Let the Love Go (from A Private Love Song)
40 Goodbye (from Who Will Love Me)
41 去火星戀愛 Dating on Mars (from Bi-Heart)
42 啜泣 Sob (from Something About You)
43 Give Love a Break (from Give Love a Break)
44 時不與我 Never with Me (from A Time For Us)
45 早有預謀 Premeditation (from Something About You)
46 我杯茶 My Cup of Tea (from Little Day)
47 歌姬 Diva (from Show Up!)
48 螢 Glow (from Glow)
49 摩登時代 Modern Times (from Ten Most Wanted)
50 出色 Outstanding (from All Delicious Collection)

Special thanks to those who purchased & shared it!

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