{Exclusive} [Album] 澤野弘之 - TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」Season 2 オリジナルサウンドトラック (iTunes Plus AAC M4A)

*Note: - Exclusive from one of our supporters!!! It's okay to re-upload this but pls credit the original owner as well as us along with your post (if you downloaded this album from our site)

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Released Date: Jun 07, 2017

CD 1

01 Barricades 
04 son2seaVer 
05 Call of Silence 
06 ERENthe標 
07 attack音D 
09 2Volt 
10 進撃st-hrn-egt20130629巨人 
11 So ist es immer 
12 進撃st-hrn-gt-pf20130629巨人 
13 ymniam-orch (sm2_Final#2) 
14 The Reluctant Heroes 
15 進撃st-hrn-gt20130629巨人 
16 theDOGS 

CD 2

01 進撃pf-medley20130629巨人 
02 EMAymniam (sm3_Final) 
03 進撃pf20130218巨人 
04 進撃gt20130218巨人 
05 TWO-lives 
06 進撃st20130629巨人 
07 進撃vn-pf20130524巨人 
08 ymniam-MKorch (sm1_Final#2) 
09 進撃pf-adlib-c20130218巨人 
10 進撃pf-adlib-b20130218巨人 
11 進撃vc-pf20130218巨人 
12 TheWeightOfLives 
14 AOTs2M他1 
15 AOTs2M他2 
16 AOTs2M他3 
17 AOTs2M他4

Special thanks to those who purchased & shared it!

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